The Ukrainian government has approved the use of robotic vehicles on the frontlines of the war with Russia.
Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense announced that the new robots would be used for carrying cargo through rough terrain. Newsweek contacted the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense for comment via email.
Why It Matters
Recent advances by the Russian military have meant that the Ukrainian army has had to retreat and reorganize forces in several key regions, including Donetsk, which Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a priority.
Terrain in this area is largely rural, with winter conditions making navigation tricky, especially with heavy armored equipment.

Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
What To Know
On Friday, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense announced that a new unmanned robotic vehicle called Ravlyk, or the “snail,” would soon be deployed in key areas throughout eastern Ukraine, where much of the fighting is taking place.
According to the statement, the robots are capable of carrying several hundred kilograms of cargo or pulling a two-ton trailer, making them vital in Ukraine’s efforts to reposition troops and supplies in rough terrain.
The robots are built specifically for harsh conditions, with the ministry describing them as suited for “off-road terrain, swamps, sandbanks, narrow ditches, and low vertical obstacles.”
The Ukrainian army has become increasingly reliant on unmanned robotics as the war has progressed, with drones playing a key role in the conflict.
Frequent drone raids have allowed Ukraine to strike behind Russian lines with little loss of life, such as the Kadamovksky facility raid on December 23 that crippled a key Russian staging ground and reportedly starting a fire at the site.
What People Are Saying
Ukraine Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Klimenkov, in a statement: “Ravlyk is small and easy to transport on a car trailer. It weighs a little over half a tonne and can carry several hundred kilograms of cargo or pull a nearly two-tonne trailer.”
“Thanks to its design features and the implementation of modern engineering solutions, the Snail easily overcomes off-road terrain, swamps, sandbanks, narrow ditches, and low vertical obstacles. This robot can be used as a universal platform to perform a wide range of tasks.”
What Happens Next
The war in Ukraine shows little sign of deescalation and it nears the three-year mark. Putin has frequently warned of nuclear alternatives if Western nations, particularly NATO members, continue to provide Ukraine with military support.
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