Behind the Scenes with five Santas
A fun look behind the scenes as Enquirer photojournalist Meg Vogel photographs five different Santas.
Amanda Rossmann, Cincinnati Enquirer
The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden’s longtime Santa Claus has died unexpectedly.
“It is with heavy hearts that we share the sad news that Robert Weidle passed away late last night,” the zoo wrote in a private Facebook group Thursday.
Weidle, who was 62, died several hours after completing his shift as Santa at the zoo Wednesday night, the zoo said. The cause of his death has not been disclosed.
“Robert embodied the holiday spirit and spread joy to all around,” the zoo wrote in the post. “He was always in character, with a ‘ho, ho, ho’ for every human and animal he encountered. “
“We are still processing this very unexpected loss but wanted to let you know since Robert has likely been a part of your holiday celebrations (and family photos) over the years,” the zoo added. “Please keep his family in your thoughts.”
Weidle had been the Santa at the PNC Festival of Lights at the Cincinnati Zoo since 2007.
He started playing Santa even earlier, however. His first Santa gig was during the 1991 Christmas season at Eastgate Mall. He was looking for work as an actor, and his agent asked him if he’d be interested in the part-time Santa role.
“It wasn’t like it was going to be a regular, year-after-year gig for me,” he told The Enquirer in 2018. “Never in my wildest imagination did I think I’d still be doing this.”
But he fit the part. Weidle had a “big infectious smile” and “jovial disposition,” according to a post from The Footlighters, Inc.
“Anyone who met him loved Robert,” the Newport community theater company wrote. “With his distinctive laugh and gentle demeanor, he had an inherent way of connecting with people instantly.”
Weidle was also an active member in Greater Cincinnati community theater.
He was a performer, director, producer, board member and box office manager at Footlighters. He was also involved with Cincinnati Music Theatre, Mariemont Players, The Drama Workshop, Brieabi Productions, and Beechmont Players, among others.
According to a bio on Brieabi Productions’ website, Weidle had been performing since he was 10.
“But his favorite roles were that of partner to David, father to Rob and Cassidy, and grandfather to Mia and Keito,” the Footlighters wrote.
“His unexpected passing leaves a hole in our organization as big as his generous and kind heart,” they added. “We will miss him terribly.”
A GoFundMe, which describes him as “Everyone’s Santa,” was created to help his children cover the financial costs of his funeral and burial following his unexpected death.
Santa visits at the Cincinnati Zoo will continue as scheduled through Dec. 23, the zoo said.